The Team Building European Championships
Looking beyond has taught us that with ideas we can overcome borders and play our team building Europeans championships by expanding horizons and perspectives.
The individual experiences allow us from time to time to enlarge the network of possibilities we have, to give new motivation to many companies that, especially at this moment, need to find the right incentives to restart.
The digital world has become an opportunity, a challenge that we have chosen to accept and ride to continue bringing team building activities to all companies that could benefit from it. Thanks to this evolution, which has allowed us to make something that seemed impossible to achieve, the requests we receive are significantly diversifying.
The choice to take new paths and new roads, sometimes with an unpredictable ending, was the best decision we could have made.
The matching of our services to business needs has become independent of the place in which they were to be performed, whether digital or across the territorial border.
The “Italian national team” of Corefab thus began to play its Team Building European Championships even before Euro2020.
Thanks to the collaboration with Domitys, a company that has been taking care of people for years, we have started to bring the format dedicated to those who work daily with the most fragile people, even beyond our borders, reaching as far as France.
In these places, surrounded by the need for a peaceful future, we passed the baton to a friend of Corefab, a person who over the years has overwhelmed us with her passion for the constant search for an inclusive and sustainable life.
Victoire Gouloubi, chef, trainer, and tireless mother. Of Congolese origin, she adores her land, of which she intelligently divulges customs, culture, and products. She is a curious traveler, and she believes that a dish, to be such, must be international as well as embrace memories, territories, and link continents, as in an imaginary flight.

Victoire has brought Corefab’s soul to French soil, with the experience and expertise that in these years of great work and social commitment has placed her at the forefront of dealing with issues related to care and attention for others.
Care and attention that we are reserving for this daring “European championship” of team building, that once again pushed us beyond the imaginable. A new approach to digital tools has given us an edge that not even we could have imagined.
In fact, our journey continued beyond all borders to face a beautiful new challenge requested by a well-known multinational company, where managers and employees from all over the world were involved.
(All the world, sick!)
And to reach them we only had one move: a click!
Thanks to the superpower of digital, all the participants challenged each other online at the first Quiz Show on the European Football Championships.
Using experience, stubbornness, passion and motivation, our Marco Menoncello, creator of the show, has created a connection network so vast that it reaches the most remote corner of the globe, thus building an unparalleled virtual football challenge.
A kick to the ball and with the speed of a BIT we returned to Italy, and precisely to the University of Rome, where thanks to the support of Professor Vittorio Cesarotti (Director of the Executive MBA Rome “Tor Vergata”) it was possible to recreate the Drink&Draw format online under the expert guidance of Guido Groppi, CEO of vinodalproduttore.it.
The involved teams, i.e., students of an MBA from the Roman university, analyzed a likely case of a company in significant economic crisis and for which they had to find a strategy to improve its fortunes while avoiding bankruptcy.
An unfortunately common case history in this historical moment, that allowed all participants to propose a possible and concretely achievable solution, also based on the useful elements provided by Guido Groppi, exploiting the world of wine and its commercial dynamics.
Our journey beyond the borders of Corefab will continue during this hot summer, returning to northern Italy and precisely to Reggio Emilia in the setting of the Maltidico Park of Montalto, where the Director and Event Manager of theMercure Astoria Hotelwill be waiting for us to speak, during a new event of team building, about a market that is finally recovering and wants to get back to work.
New scenarios, restarting markets and Corefab has chosen to be there again.
Beyond borders, beyond walls and barriers, we have decided to go and look further and further, making sure that our message is used as an aggregator to rekindle contacts and opportunities.
We decided to put the ball in the center and give it a new kick-off, playing this match in different ways that officially mark the beginning of a new era.
#weareallessential only if we understand that the market has changed, and the new imminent future will acquire more advanced shapes, influenced by what has happened in the last two years.
Shapes to which we must be ready, prepared, and good to interpret them and make them our own.
Are you ready to take the field?