Looking beyond. Care in relationships as a positive stimulus.
The great journey of Corefab in the study of effective solutions for companies sometimes takes different paths and variations from the original ones. This happens when we take a moment to think about how team building activities can be of great support even for different market segments from those that usually turn to us.
Thus, from a careful analysis of the resources that Corefab could make available to meet the silver economy market, was born our new project, aimed at those who dedicate their professional life to the care of people with social frailties.
Those who take care of people and their care need to always be able to receive stimuli that allow them to see beyondsimple work, capturing the most important aspects related to sensitivityhumanity, and continuous growth.
The role of Corefab, on this occasion, has therefore become even more important. Therefore, we decided to surround ourselves with partners with a particular attention to both the issues discussed and the objective linked to mutual trust, in order to improve the quality of relationships.
A great friend of Corefab was involved, Daniele Cassioli, (Marco Menoncello and Daniele Cassioli in the past collaborated for the theatrical show “La Svista”) multiple world champion in water skiing, member of the national council of the Italian Paralympic Committee, president of Real Eyes Sport(non-profit sports association) as well as company trainer and author of the book “Il Vento Contro”.
Daniele, through a training course dedicated to companies, brings his history and experience as a blind sportsman, transforming reality into a wonderful journey through the use and stimulation of all the senses, highlighting how our instinct makes us exploit only a small percentage of our potential.
Alongside Daniele, in addition to Corefab’s internal staff with Chiara Marelli, facilitator at a worktable and Marco Menoncello, coordinator of the entire activity, we have combined other professionals:
Samantha Zintu, head of corporate training for Poleposition.tech and Laura Bricola, professional educator.
For this mission, joining forces was essential.
Based on these premises and with a new challenge to face, together with Samantha and Daniele we created a new format, adapting one of our team building activities and declining it for the Domitys staff, a reality that has been providing for years (both in Italy and in France) housing structures in which the elderly can live in safety, without giving up their spaces, privacy and simplifying the lifestyle, thanks to the constant support of a team of professionals and collaborators.
The team building activity began with Orietta Coppi, General Manager of Domitys, who, thanks to the deep knowledge of her staff, allowed us to create the right teams so that they could get the best result from the experience they were about to discover.
Therefore, starting from the great theme of Care, important for all those who work in the health field, 4 macro categories were identified from which to start for the proposed activity:
- Creativity
- Communication
- Economics
- Motivation
Within these 4 areas it was important to focus on achieving the key goal of the day:
taking care of yourself increases the possibility of taking care of others, improving the management of relationships in daily life.
With all the hinges fixed, the challenge begun.

Daniele opened the games with a motivational speech aimed at raising attention to the countless opportunities given by the sense organs available to the human body, considering that all the members of each team would have been deprived of one of these: sight.
“But do not worry, being deprived of sight will allow you to look beyond” – Daniele Cassioli
With only the use of touch and smell, then carrying out the activity blindfolded, everyone was asked to open a mysterious box where the participants found equipment and materials to build something that represented the characteristics of the “ideal place” for each component of the team.
At the end of the activity, the eyes protection was removed, and everyone told their own paper, making sure that the message transferred to those present could describe, without fear, the sensations that the challenge had aroused.
The result was beyond expectations.
Daniele Cassioli activities in the company
Many of the participants (from the same team) built a heart without the others knowing.
We saw hands and bridges, symbols of opportunity and growth. Exactly the goals we set ourselves and which they arrived at in a natural and spontaneous way.
The first half of the match had already brought out the right stimuli to face the second part of the day.
A short online questionnaire sent in the interval between the first and the second half brought out all the emotions with which the participants had faced the activity and allowed to kick off the afternoon intervention held by Samantha, which led to the entire team to reflect on the importance of working at their best, in an atmosphere of sharing and serenity.
If it is true that #weareallessential, to be such the attitude must therefore be positive and aimed at sharing, just as this short and intense day was, in every moment.
It has become clear and tangible that awareness of caring for interpersonal relationships is also reflected directly on the most fragile and needy people, both in a facility for the elderly like Domitys, and in other situations where attention to others must always remain high.
The team now has an extra tool to look beyond, to see with the heart, hands, emotions.