#CircleOfInfluence - speech with Daniele Cassioli

@ Ossuccio (CO)
June 2024

What do we have to fear? What limits our actions? What attitude do we use towards difficulties and change? The answers to these and other questions were an integral part of Daniele Cassioli's speech in front of a team of ABB executives.

  • Corefab presenta speech con Daniele Cassioli per ABB Lago di Como
  • Corefab per ABB speech con Daniele Cassioli Lago di Como
  • #CircleOfInfluence speech con Daniele Cassioli per ABB location Lago di Como
  • #CircleOfInfluence speech con Daniele Cassioli per ABB Lago di Como
  • #CircleOfInfluence speech con Daniele Cassioli @ ABB Ossuccio (CO)
  • #CircleOfInfluence speech con Daniele Cassioli @ ABB Ossuccio (CO) giugno 2024
  • #CircleOfInfluence speech con Daniele Cassioli per ABB Ossuccio (CO) giugno 2024


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