Corefab benefit company builds a future for students.
We parted in 2021 with an important transformation that led us to become a Benefit Company and, now that 2022 has widely begun, we are laying the concrete foundations for the structure of our project.
Starting today you can visit the platform dedicated to schools, Corefab Educational, to learn more about the project dedicated to the future of the younger generations, a future in which we all can and want to participate by making a concrete contribution.
Corefab Educational goals
Among the objectives that prompted us to create this new platform, there is the pillar on which our mission is based, that is the promotion of inclusive and equitable quality education and of lifelong learning opportunities for all (as one of the 17 Global Sustainability Goals, designed by the United Nations).
But how can a reality that works mainly with companies and private entities enter the school and bring a real benefit?
Through experience.
An experience that educates for the future.
Corefab’s experience is that of years of work in the constant search to bring a benefit to the corporate climate through games, challenges, and multifaceted moments of sharing.
Our work has always been based on 3 fundamental principles:
- Listening: which has allowed us to model activities based on the inputs and objectives, that differ in each company and must be treated with care and attention.
- Research and experimentation: one activity is never really the same as the other, despite the consolidated formats, because we work with people and they are all unique.
- The game and its rules:the game and the possibility of living an experience simply while having fun puts problems and difficulties on a level that can be seen from a different perspective, faced with less anxiety and solved thanks to collaboration and team working.
The experience that allows to generate opportunities for the school is not only the one that the Corefab team carries in its baggage, but also the one experienced by the companies, that are the protagonists of the activities that, together with us, they build for their staff in order to grow, improve, and generate value.
Several companies have already contributed to the project thanks to the “Hours 4 Future” idea!
Sustainability and Development
Hours 4 Future is the project dedicated to schools that supports the growth of the skills of thousands of students in the green, tech and business world, through the donation of training hours.
Innovation, training, and growth are the cornerstones on which this new path for schools is based but having the support of companies and in a historical moment where our country has finally approved a law on the inclusion of subjects and teachers related to the world of non-cognitive skills (read here) and therefore where the quality of education and learning can finally deserve new contamination.
The realization of our slogan #WeAreAllEssentials reaches its peak thanks to the collaboration between businesses and schools which, together, lay the foundations for building the future of the new generation.
Thanks to Hours 4 Futurecompanies can invest in the project by donating hours of training or by participating in Corefab’s activities, producing energy and, consequently, investable funds, for the growth path of students from participating schools.
The model is very simple:
- The company that, to improve the corporate climate, chooses to organize a team building activity with Corefab, automatically allocates hours of training / experience to students at any school.
- The choice of the school becomes another fundamental step: you can choose to deliver courses, experiences or activities to schools already adhering to Corefab projects or
- alternatively, the client companies may choose the schools in which to work (for example those attended by their children).
Companies, those where young people will one day begin their professional career, can now make the progress of an entire society possible and achievable.
We trace paths to go far and, from today, your company can do it together with us.