The relationship between teammates, classmates, and friends is very important. With good relationships, any academic, athletic, or friendship journey becomes easier and more enjoyable.

Relationships among young people can be nurtured, helping them grow into better adults—kind, welcoming, and ready to embrace the diversity of this world.

CoreFAB organizes team-building activities for young people, both outdoors and indoors, in line with Goal No. 4 of the Global Sustainability Goals (Quality Education). CoreFAB's "#HoursForFuture" project can be implemented in schools, sports associations, and even within companies, involving employees' children.

Some of these activities are completely free. Find out how to access them and offer them to the right group of kids.

In collaboration with CoreFAB's #indispensable team.


generated in 2024

#HFF reserved: 24


#HoursForFuture generated in 2023

Here's how schools and associations are investing in the future of our kids with our #HoursForFuture.

#HFF used: 2 hours;
Date: 09/18/2024;
Destination: IES Abroad;
Audience: foreign students;
Course type: Lego Workshop;
Tutor: Marcos Sanchez

#HFF used: 4 hours;
Date: 13/05, 20/05, 27/05, 03/06;
Destination: Casa Dho, educational community;
Recipients: group of teenage girls;
Course type: "La voce è femminile" - music workshop;
Tutor: Nicoletta Tiberini

#HFF used: 2 hours;
Date: February 7 and 14, 2024;
Destination: Leonardo Da Vinci Middle School, Saronno (VA);
Recipients: second and third year middle school;
Course type: photography course;
Tutor: Davide Perfetti

#HFF used: 2 hours;
Date: May 10, 2024;
Destination: Segantini Elementary School, Asso (CO);
Recipients: fifth grade class;
Course type: Lego workshop;
Tutor: Marco Sanchez

#HFF used: 2 hours;
Date: July 18, 2024;
Destination: La Strada Coop. Sociale, Milan;
Recipients: mixed group of kids between 10 and 20 years old;
Course type: Lego workshop;
Tutor: Marco Sanchez

#HFF used: 2 hours;
Date: June 28, 2024;
Destination: Ukrainian Families Association Cesano Maderno (supported by Bracco Imaging spa);
Recipients: mixed group of kids between 10 and 20 years old;
Course type: Body Percussion Class;
Tutor: Nicoletta Tiberini

#HFF used: 2 hours;
Date: July 8, 2024;
Destination: Real Eyes Sport camp in Val Vigezzo (VB);
Recipients: blind children of the association;
Course type: Body Percussion Class;
Tutor: Nicoletta Tiberini

#HFF used: 2 hours;
Date: July 9, 2024;
Destination: Il Carro Impresa Sociale;
Recipients: minors of the summer center;
Course type: #BookBindingClass;
Tutor: Simone Galasso

#HFF used: 2 hours;
Date: July 16, 2024;
Destination: Sirio / Novo Millennio Community;
Recipients: community of foreign minors;
Course type: #ShortLab / smartphone photography;
Tutor: Davide Perfetti

#HFF used: 2 hours;
Date: July 18, 2024;
Destination: Associazione La Strada;
Recipients: children and teenagers of the summer camp;
Course type: #LegoWorkshop;
Tutor: Marcos Sanchez


We get to know our classmates, our teammates, our friends, by answering some seemingly simple questions. And we build the answers with those Lego bricks that we used as children and which now, as adults, can offer unexpected interpretations.
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To take care of planet Earth, there is no longer a plan B. We no longer have time. We must take action immediately. And we must do so by taking inspiration from the Global Sustainability Goals.

Do you know them?

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We share with participants the basics of smartphone photography to visually enhance their photographs.

The course will start from the basics of image composition, with a very practical presentation of the concepts, and will arrive at post-production, again on smartphones, to make the most of your shots and improve your memories.

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Books and notebooks preserve our stories. Our adventures. And reading is one of the few “adventures” that allows us to slow down time. Learning the art of bookbinding means building space for your thoughts; it means giving yourself time to get to know and recognize yourself.
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Whatever we do, staying in rhythm is a necessity. Not just musical. Instead, it is a requirement to live one’s life in harmony and to understand how much the strength of the group is necessary for building solid identities. With this course the kids will learn to stay in rhythm and experience integration in the group, in one of its most fun forms.
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The earth loves the man who loves the earth. The environment loves responsible people, who know how to live in the environment with complete respect. Let’s learn to manage the environment by keeping it clean and thinking about future generations.
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Never lose your compass! A simple orienteering competition can help us find our way again. Not just the one on paper.
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junior version
If your spirit of adaptation needs training, this is the format for you. We will learn to manage the emergency outdoors. We will acquire techniques and principles to be autonomous and we will learn to collaborate as a real team.
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– junior version
A series of very fun and ingenious skill games where we need everyone’s support (everyone) to complete every single experience.
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This is an extraordinary, water-level experience. If you’ve never tried paddling on a lake, you’ll find it relaxing and different from anything you usually do in your day
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How much do we trust the people around us? If we were blindfolded would we be able to follow instructions and achieve a goal? Come to Bellagio and follow our path. It’s the only way to answer these questions.
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Walking allows you to reach distant places. To chat with friends and classmates or teammates. It allows you to reflect and look at what’s on the horizon, dreaming of the next path. The next destination.
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Here are the latest companies that contributed to #HoursForFuture

  • #TrainYourTeam for HLPY @ Pusiano Lake - July 2024
  • #FoodieTales for BRACCO @ Corefood - July 2024
  •  #FluoSummerParty for @ The Village - June 2024

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    Corefab Srl – Società Benefit
    Via Po,77

    20032 Cormano (MI)
    P.IVA 09935390964


    You didn’t find
    the team building activity you like?

    Team building activities with different formats and styles to conduct the same research: that of the secret ingredient of your team, the principle of the originality of your company. A tool to create synergy for the creation of unique corporate values. A path to follow to understand that #weareallresponsible in the face of a sustainable future.

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    Team Building Online

    Indoor team building

    Indoor team building

    Outdoor team building

    Outdoor team building


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